Not The Farmers Wife

Not The Farmers Wife

Hosted by: CJ Steedman

CJ is Not The Farmers Wife! She's the farmer. She's also a mum and partner. CJ discusses topics like homesteading and farming from the female perspective. She particularly like talking about her chickens, goats,...

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Episode 73 - Supermarket Free Living

Supermarket-free lifestyle - Episode 73 Don't forget to join the waitlist to get all the information about our upcoming course. Buying Direct Meat from a...
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Episode 72 - Spring Livestock Planning

Episode 72 - Spring Livestock Planning Shelter Maintenance: Ensure Animal Shelters are Weatherproof and Warm Building the Perfect Shelter: Essential Features for All Seasons    -...
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Episode 71 - Planning Your Spring Garden

Planning Your Spring Garden If you're new to homesteading, and maybe gardening too, but eager to get a jump on your spring garden, let me try to help. For me, winter is the perfect time to plan and prepare, sitting in...
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Episode 70 - 90-Day Homestead Planning

90-day planning for July - Aug - Sept The link I mentioned is for Seedtime, the below link is an affiliate link (I'll get free seeds) July Garden...
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Episode 69 - Winter Livestock Feed

E 69 - Winter Livestock Feeding Link to Allan Savory TEDx talk Nutrient-Rich Winter Forage Options    - Growing and preserving nutrient-dense forages like hay, silage (with higher moisture content), and food scraps,...
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Episode 68 - Winter Gardens

Winter Garden Care for Gardeners Take a Well-Deserved Break! Winter is a natural pause in the gardening calendar, and it's the perfect time for a holiday. After all, many plants can't grow during this season. As I've...
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Episode 67 - Winter Education

Episode 67 - Winter Education Online Courses and Webinars    - Exploring available online courses on sustainable living, permaculture, and        regenerative agriculture.    - Benefits of attending webinars and...
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Episode 66 - Winter Wellness

Week 1 - Winter Wellness Episode 66 Food Warm and Nourishing Bone Broth Recipes    - Benefits of bone broth: Nutritional value and health benefits.    - How to make bone broth from farm-raised animals: Step-by-step...
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Episode 65 - Off-Grid - Other Options

Week 4  Other Off-Grid Options  - Brief introduction to the main topic: Other Off-Grid Options for Power, Gas, Washing, etc. - Importance of exploring alternative off-grid solutions for sustainable living and...
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Episode 64 - Off-Grid - Heating & Cooling

Week 3 Off-Grid Heating and Cooling - Brief introduction to the episode's main topic: Off-Grid Heating and Cooling. - importance of off-grid heating and cooling solutions for sustainable living and self-sufficiency....
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Episode 63 Off-Grid Water & Sewerage

Week 2  Off-Grid Water Collection and Sewerage - Brief introduction to the episode's main topic: Off-Grid Water Collection and Sewerage. - Overview of the importance of off-grid water solutions for sustainable living...
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Episode 62 - Off-Grid Solar Power

Off-Grid Homesteading  Week 1  Solar Power Solutions - Brief introduction to the episode's main topic: Solar Power Solutions for Homesteads. - Overview of the importance of solar power in achieving off-grid living and...
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