Episode 2 - History of Women in Farming

In this episode, CJ discusses the history of women in farming and the reasons for their underrepresentation.

We cover why women have always been farmers even if they weren't counted, the roles women play on the farm and in times of need women have learned what was needed and just got the work done, like during the wars. We then go on to discuss the "alternative lifestyle" movement or hippies and the change in who was farming. It was no longer a traditional farming family model. 

Then we talk about where women are going from here.

Women who have an interest in farming, I think, make better livestock managers. I'm not sure if it's a maternal thing, as I know a lot of women who aren't maternal, myself included, but still make great farmers. I actually think it has more to do with womens ability to multitask, and still pay attention. We generally know if an animal is "off" healthy wise or if something isn't going as it should. 

The saying "women can do anything" is so true when it comes to farming, however, having a supportive and helpful family certainly goes a long way.