Episode 5 - Chickens - The Gateway Drug to Homesteading

CJ discusses the chickens and how they are an entry point for homesteading.

Keeping your own backyard chickens is a great starting point for learning and living a homestead life. Many breeds don't require much space, they are very easy to care for, you get an immediate return on your efforts and these little dinos are really friendly and social.

Once you start keeping backyard chickens you will realise that the tree-change lifestyle to become more self-sufficient and sustainably live is much easier than you thought. 

You can start with 2-3 chickens, a small coop and an enclosed backyard. You could share the girls with your neighbours, you could use community garden space. The best bit is you can get healthy, fresh free-range eggs with very little daily effort. A small flock of chickens can be looked after in 5-10 minutes a day. 

They really are the simplest way to start your journey into homesteading and producing your own food!

Don't forget to get on our waitlist so you too can raise your own backyard chickens! HERE