Episode 12 - Why Should You Grow Your Own Eggs?

Enrollments open on the 10th of June and close on the 16th of June. With the course starting on 17th and running for 6 weeks.

Perfect time to do the course if you are considering chickens in spring.

Go to the web page to get on the list and you can choose either a Free PDF with 7 must know’s or a webinar on which breed of chicken is right for you.




The Great Plant-Based Con - is a fantastic book that explains regenerative agriculture really well.


Why Should You Grow Your Own Eggs?

  1.   Quality and freshness: Homegrown eggs are often fresher and of higher quality than store-bought eggs, which can be several weeks old before they even reach the grocery store.


  1.   Health benefits: Homegrown eggs are often healthier and more nutritious than store-bought eggs, with higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. Study on pasture-raised eggs versus confined housing eggs.


  1.  Cost savings: Growing your own eggs can be a cost-effective alternative to buying eggs from the store, especially if you have a large family or consume eggs regularly.


  1.  Sustainability: Raising backyard chickens and growing your own eggs can be a sustainable and eco-friendly practice, with a lower carbon footprint than factory farming and reduced waste from packaging and transportation. Regenerative agriculture now starting to pave the way for people with understanding how livestock farming and holistic management practices can actually be more beneficial for environmental issues. 


  1.  Control over production: By growing your own eggs, you have control over the production process, including the chickens' diet, living conditions, and the use of antibiotics or hormones. This is a big one, as people educate themselves more about the food they eat corresponding to health issues and concerns they have. 


  1.  Educational benefits: Growing your own eggs can be a great learning opportunity for children and adults alike, teaching valuable skills like responsibility, animal husbandry, and food production.


  1.  Local food movement: By growing your own eggs, you're supporting the local food movement and reducing your reliance on large-scale industrial agriculture. Diversity in farming and homesteading practices are highlighting how everyone can participate in reducing the carbon footprint of their own family. Food miles go towards the transport sector impact, which is the biggest impact worldwide on greenhouse gas emissions.


  1.  Flavour and variety: Homegrown eggs often have more flavour and variety than store-bought eggs, with different breeds of chickens laying eggs with different colours, sizes, and taste profiles. Some of my customers claim they have never tasted eggs like ours! And one customer was making pasta with our eggs and claimed her parents, elderly Italians, said it reminded them of the pasta their mothers used to make.


  1.  Connection to nature: Raising backyard chickens and growing your own eggs can provide a deeper connection to nature and the food we eat, fostering a greater appreciation for the natural world.


  1.  Community building: Growing your own eggs can be a great way to connect with like-minded individuals in your community, through local chicken-keeping groups, farmers' markets, and other community events.