Episode 49 Sustainable Homestead Kitchens

Sustainable Homestead Kitchens

The Basics of Homestead Kitchens

Homestead Kitchen Essentials:

Essential pantry staples for a self-sufficient lifestyle. Beeswax wraps, 

Explanation of what constitutes a homestead kitchen.

Emphasis on the self-sufficient and frugal aspects.


Basic tools and equipment for a well-equipped homestead kitchen. Thermo, slow cooker, pressure cooker etc

Essential cooking utensils for a homestead kitchen.

Important kitchen appliances for efficient meal preparation.

Discussion on multifunctional tools for space and cost efficiency.


Essential Pantry Staples

List of must-have pantry items for a self-sufficient lifestyle.

Importance of stocking up on nonperishables and long-lasting ingredients.

Tips for building and maintaining a well-stocked homestead pantry.


Benefits of Homestead Cooking:

Exploring the financial advantages of cooking from scratch.

Breakdown of cost savings associated with cooking from scratch.

Comparison of homemade vs. store-bought prices.

Real-life examples of how homestead cooking contributes to a frugal lifestyle.


Health benefits of consuming homemade, unprocessed foods.

Discussion on the nutritional advantages of homemade, unprocessed foods.

Impact of reducing additives and preservatives on overall health.

Incorporating fresh and seasonal produce for maximum nutritional value.


Organizing Your Homestead Kitchen:

Tips for efficient kitchen organization.

Practical tips for organizing kitchen utensils and tools.

Importance of a well-organized workspace for smooth cooking processes.

Suggestions for creating designated zones within the kitchen.


Creative storage solutions for pantry items and kitchen tools.

Maximizing pantry space with storage containers and shelves.

DIY storage solutions for kitchen tools and gadgets.

Showcasing creative and aesthetically pleasing storage ideas.

Sourdough Bread Making

Starting and Maintaining a Sourdough Starter

Introduction to Sourdough Starters

   Explanation of what a sourdough starter is and its role in bread making.

   The symbiotic relationship between yeast and bacteria in the starter.


StepbyStep Guide to Creating a Sourdough Starter

  Ingredients needed for a basic sourdough starter.

  Detailed instructions on the daily feeding and care of the starter.

  Tips for maintaining a healthy and active sourdough culture.


Troubleshooting Common Issues

  Addressing common challenges like a sluggish starter or offputting odors.

  Tips for reviving a neglected or dormant sourdough starter.


Incorporating Sourdough into Everyday Meals

 Beyond Loaves: Sourdough in Everyday Cooking

  Creative uses of sourdough in pancakes, waffles, and other breakfast items.

   Incorporating sourdough discard into muffins, crackers, and other snacks.

   Enhancing the nutritional profile of everyday meals with sourdough.


Creative Ways to Use Sourdough Discard

  Recipes for turning discard into flavorful treats like crackers and flatbreads.

  Reducing food waste by utilizing sourdough discard in various recipes.

  Encouraging experimentation with sourdough in both sweet and savoury dishes.

Cooking from Scratch and Meal Planning

Economical and Nutritious Meal Ideas

Introduction to Homestead Cooking

    Definition of homestead cooking and its emphasis on frugality and self-sufficiency.

    Overview of the benefits of preparing meals from scratch.


BudgetFriendly and Nutritious Recipes

    Sharing recipes that utilize affordable and easily accessible ingredients.

    Discussing the nutritional advantages of homemade meals.

    Highlighting the intersection of cost-effectiveness and health in homestead cooking.


Batch Cooking for Convenience

   Explanation of batch cooking and its timesaving benefits.

   Tips for efficiently preparing and storing meals in larger quantities.

    Showcasing recipes that are ideal for batch cooking.


Meal Planning Strategies

Weekly and Monthly Meal Planning

  The importance of meal planning for a frugal and organized homestead kitchen.

   Practical tips for planning weekly and monthly menus.

   Adjusting meal plans based on seasonal ingredients and promotions.

DIY Dairy Products:

Yogurt Making Variations

Introduction to DIY YogurtMaking

  Overview of the benefits of making yogurt at home.

  Highlighting the versatility of homemade yogurt in a self-sufficient kitchen.

  Traditional methods vs. modern techniques like Instant Pot yogurt.

  Step by step guide for each method, including temperature and timing considerations.

  Tips for troubleshooting common yogurtmaking issues.


  Flavoring Yogurt with Natural Ingredients

   Creative ways to add natural flavours to homemade yogurt.

   Use fresh fruits, honey, and other wholesome ingredients for flavour enhancement.


Making Butter and Buttermilk

   Blend the cream until solid and wash it, don’t forget to save the buttermilk.

   It's much easier than most people think.


Cheese Making for Beginners

Introduction to DIY CheeseMaking

  Overview of the satisfaction and cost-effectiveness of making cheese at home.

  Importance of selecting simple cheese varieties for beginners.


Simple Cheese Varieties for Beginners

    Exploring beginner-friendly cheeses like ricotta, halloumi, and mozzarella.

    Discussing the minimal equipment required for basic cheesemaking.


Tools and Equipment Needed for Home CheeseMaking

     Essential tools for a basic cheesemaking setup.

     Emphasizing the accessibility of cheesemaking for home cooks.


Utilizing Dairy Byproducts

Creative Uses for Whey and Other Byproducts

    Exploring the nutritional value of whey and other dairy byproducts.

    Creative ways to use whey in cooking and baking.

    Reducing food waste by incorporating dairy byproducts into various recipes.

Canning and Fermenting:

Getting Started with Canning

Essential Canning Equipment and Supplies

   Identification of necessary canning tools such as jars, lids, and canning pots.

   Tips for sourcing canning supplies and budget-friendly alternatives.

   Safety precautions for ensuring successful and safe home canning.


Safe Canning Practices and Resources

   Detailed steps for the water bath canning process.

   Overview of pressure canning and its advantages.

   Highlighting reputable resources for reliable canning information.


Homemade Fermented Foods

Introduction to Fermenting


  • Overview of the art of fermenting foods at home.


  •    Highlighting the versatility of fermented foods beyond traditional uses.

   Step-by-Step Guide to Fermenting Foods

    •    Identifying the necessary ingredients and equipment for fermenting.


  • Discussing various vegetables and fruits suitable for fermentation.


  •    Tips for achieving the right texture, flavour, and fermentation process.

   Creative Ways to Use Homemade Fermented Foods

  •    Ideas for using ferments in salads, wraps, and other creative dishes.
  •    Enhancing the nutritional profile of meals with homemade fermented foods. 
  •    Preserved lemons on a salad!!!

Homemade Cleaning Products and Cosmetics:

DIY Cleaning Solutions

Introduction to DIY Cleaning Products

  Overview of the benefits of homemade cleaning solutions.

  Emphasizing the reduction of harmful chemicals in the household.


Recipes for Homemade AllPurpose Cleaners

  Simple and effective formulas for all-purpose cleaning sprays. Bi-carb or baking soda and vinegar

  Cost comparisons with commercial cleaning products.


Natural Alternatives for Common Household Cleaning Products

Exploring natural ingredients with cleaning properties (vinegar, baking soda, etc.).


Homemade Personal Care Products

Introduction to DIY Personal Care

  Benefits of creating personal care products at home.

  Overview of the connection between kitchen ingredients and skincare.


DIY Facial Masks and Scrubs Using Kitchen Ingredients

  Recipes for facial masks and scrubs using readily available kitchen items. Avocado, oatmeal, honey etc 


Creating Your Own Natural Deodorant and Toothpaste

 Step-by-step guide to making natural deodorant with simple ingredients. 

 Baking soda and coconut oil.

 Formulating toothpaste with effective natural elements. 

Homemade Toothpaste Ingredients


  • 2 tablespoons baking soda.
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt.
  • 3-5 drops essential oils (I used peppermint and spearmint oil)
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil (make sure you get the best coconut oil; for extra DIY points, you can make your own coconut oil at home)


 Addressing common concerns and misconceptions about homemade personal care products.

Sustainable Packaging and Ingredient Sourcing

Importance of Sustainable Packaging

  Exploring the environmental impact of packaging in the personal care industry.

Soap Making:

Introduction to Soap-Making Ingredients

Overview of Soap Making

 Introduction to the art and science of soap making.

 The appeal of creating homemade soap for a sustainable and personalized skincare routine.


  Choosing the Right Oils for Your Soap Recipe

   Overview of common soapmaking oils and their properties.


Soap Making Techniques

Cold Process vs. Hot Process Soap Making

  Explanation of the differences between cold process and hot process soap making.

  Pros and cons of each method, including curing time and ingredient preservation.


Molding and Shaping Your Homemade Soap

  Choosing suitable moulds for different soap shapes and sizes.

  Tips for unmolding and cutting soap for a polished finish.


Customizing Soap for Different Uses

Creating Specialty Soaps for Face, Body, and Hair

Shampoo bars for hair care with natural and nourishing ingredients.