Mojo Homestead Happenings

Planning Your Spring Garden: A Winter Guide for Busy Mums gardening homesteading planning Jul 08, 2024

Planning Your Spring Garden: A Winter Guide for Busy Mums

Hello, fellow farmHers! If you're new to homesteading, and maybe gardening too, but eager to get a jump on your spring garden, let me try...

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Winter Education Ideas backyard beekeeping backyard chickens grow your own food homesteading self-sustainable Jun 10, 2024

Winter Education Ideas

Throughout winter it's a great time to brush up on your education. The weather is nasty and you may only go outside for the necessary animal checks.

You can look at online...

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Backyard Chicken Coops: A Guide to Happy Hens backyard chickens Feb 12, 2024

Backyard Chicken Coops: A Guide to Happy Hens and Healthy Homes

Welcome to the world of backyard chicken-keeping! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the wonderful world of...

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Frugal Living alternative income frugal grow your own Jul 17, 2023

Frugal Living

Being frugal is not cheap! 

There is a difference between frugal and cheap. Frugal means being economical with regard to money and food. 


Integrating Frugal Practices...

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Income Generation for Homesteaders alternative income homesteading side hustle Jul 10, 2023

Income Generation for Homesteaders 

From Produce to Partnerships


Creating a sustainable income is a vital aspect of homesteading. 


Homesteading is just like so many other...

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Homestead Financial Planning frugal homesteading Jul 03, 2023

Financial Planning for Your Homestead


Creating a Homestead Budget

You need to start with a detailed breakdown of common expenses, including animal feed, seeds, equipment, and utilities....

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Chicken Breeds and Coloured Eggs Jun 05, 2023

Chicken Breeds and Colored Eggs

Whether you're a seasoned poultry pro or just dipping your toes into the feathered world of backyard flocks, one thing's for sure – chickens come in a dazzling...

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Getting Started with Backyard Chicken Keeping chicken care May 28, 2023


Getting Started with Backyard Chicken Keeping

So many people I speak to tell me they would love to have chickens in their backyard but they don't know where to start. 

I honestly...

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Online Shopping - Blessing or Curse? alternative income amazon selling home delivery internet shopping online business online shopping shop from home shopping online Aug 22, 2022

Traditional Shopping

In the past, the only way a producer, manufacturer or retailer could pass their goods on to a consumer was to have a bricks-and-mortar shop. This meant the producer was limited...

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10 Food Security Tips backyard chickens food security fruit trees grow your own pantry preserving raise your own stockpiling Jul 20, 2022

10 Food Security Tips 

Let's talk about food security. I think a lot of people feel that same at the moment, certainly after the $10 lettuce of 2022. We all want to feed ourselves and our...

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You Want to Sell on Amazon alternative income amazon selling learning to sell online off-farm income online business sell on amazon side hustle May 05, 2022

Off-Farm Income

One of the hardest things about starting a small farm is the cash flow. When you have start-up expenses but no income what do you do?  While we both still work off-farm anyway,...

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Why Be Self-Sufficient? frugal grow your own food rural living self-sufficiency self-sustainable Apr 25, 2022

Do you just wake up one day and say "I'm going to change my lifestyle and become self-sufficient”

Maybe it's the way you are raised, maybe you're born with it (cue Maybelline music!).

Not me!...

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