Mojo Homestead Happenings

Frugal Living alternative income frugal grow your own Jul 17, 2023

Frugal Living

Being frugal is not cheap! 

There is a difference between frugal and cheap. Frugal means being economical with regard to money and food. 


Integrating Frugal Practices...

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Homestead Financial Planning frugal homesteading Jul 03, 2023

Financial Planning for Your Homestead


Creating a Homestead Budget

You need to start with a detailed breakdown of common expenses, including animal feed, seeds, equipment, and utilities....

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Why Be Self-Sufficient? frugal grow your own food rural living self-sufficiency self-sustainable Apr 25, 2022

Do you just wake up one day and say "I'm going to change my lifestyle and become self-sufficient”

Maybe it's the way you are raised, maybe you're born with it (cue Maybelline music!).

Not me!...

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