Mojo Homestead Happenings

Planning Your Spring Garden: A Winter Guide for Busy Mums gardening homesteading planning Jul 08, 2024

Planning Your Spring Garden: A Winter Guide for Busy Mums

Hello, fellow farmHers! If you're new to homesteading, and maybe gardening too, but eager to get a jump on your spring garden, let me try...

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Winter Education Ideas backyard beekeeping backyard chickens grow your own food homesteading self-sustainable Jun 10, 2024

Winter Education Ideas

Throughout winter it's a great time to brush up on your education. The weather is nasty and you may only go outside for the necessary animal checks.

You can look at online...

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Income Generation for Homesteaders alternative income homesteading side hustle Jul 10, 2023

Income Generation for Homesteaders 

From Produce to Partnerships


Creating a sustainable income is a vital aspect of homesteading. 


Homesteading is just like so many other...

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Homestead Financial Planning frugal homesteading Jul 03, 2023

Financial Planning for Your Homestead


Creating a Homestead Budget

You need to start with a detailed breakdown of common expenses, including animal feed, seeds, equipment, and utilities....

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