Mojo Homestead Happenings

Winter Education Ideas backyard beekeeping backyard chickens grow your own food homesteading self-sustainable Jun 10, 2024

Winter Education Ideas

Throughout winter it's a great time to brush up on your education. The weather is nasty and you may only go outside for the necessary animal checks.

You can look at online...

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Backyard Chicken Coops: A Guide to Happy Hens backyard chickens Feb 12, 2024

Backyard Chicken Coops: A Guide to Happy Hens and Healthy Homes

Welcome to the world of backyard chicken-keeping! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the wonderful world of...

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10 Food Security Tips backyard chickens food security fruit trees grow your own pantry preserving raise your own stockpiling Jul 20, 2022

10 Food Security Tips 

Let's talk about food security. I think a lot of people feel that same at the moment, certainly after the $10 lettuce of 2022. We all want to feed ourselves and our...

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